Monday, March 23, 2009


im as complex a person as they did something i usually dont do and told a person how i was feeling about them..may seem easy to u, very difficult for me. im not a talker...hate confrontation, it angers me...but i did and now i feel different, dont know whether good or bad...but im glad i said what i said...i internalize so much that when im ready to speak on much time has passed..its because it takes alot to get me mad/ talking about my feelings has drained me today.folk tell me to journal i dont like journals cause they are deadly..yeah its about writing down your personal thoughts, but this is about as personal as i will get. no one gets all of me....i have absolutely nothing funny to say and i hate feeling like that...i like making folk laugh. its what brings joy to me....i gave up facebook for the rest of the week..just dont feel like being on it..i wanna devote more time to my blog...this sappy shit is blowing me mind locks down every once in a while to allow serious tones to intervene, i guess this is one of those days...the only good thing about today so far is someone told me they will show me about studio excited about it...thats what i want to do full around music..all day coworker needs to bring his ass back to work tired of doing his damn shout out DC

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Keep writing!!! Who needs a journal when you can blog?!?!
